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Intergalactic Cup

Intergalactic Cup Qualifier starts today!

Check the Tournament schedule and don't miss a thing:

  • Qualifier: July 2nd - July 4th.
  • Semifinal: July 6th - July 7th.
  • Final: July 9th - July 10th.

Featured Entries

#Patch Notes National Bowling Day
#Patch Notes

National Bowling Day

This Season is going to be the greatest! Why? It is dedicated to the best sports ever: Bowling! Collect Season tokens to open more reward tiers. Season pass unlocks premium and extra rewards.   And don't forget about the Skill Shot. It has started on Hell's Balls Alley. Last but not least, get ready for the Jack Rabbit's Tournament. The Qualifier stage will start on August 13.  See you on the lanes!
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#Patch Notes


Bowlers!🦖🦕🦖 We added Alley 16 – Jurassic Bowl! And along with it, 6 new balls have rolled into the game! If you don't have enough trophies to unlock this Alley yet, you'll be able to check it out in our next Tournament, which starts tomorrow!
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#Patch Notes Steampunk Cup Tournament!
#Patch Notes

Steampunk Cup Tournament!

Join Steampunk Cup Tournament! ⚙️ The minimum required Alley was decreased to 4. It's your perfect chance to win an outstanding banner! 💎 Tournaments is a premium feature with exclusive rewards and lots of ball cards. It is designed for experienced players only, so there were balance changes made. However, if you are eager to participate, you can use the advantage of a license subscription or get access to the Tournament with an in-app purchase. Check the tournament timesheet and don't miss a thing 👇 🥉 Qualifier: May 7th to May 9th. 🥈 Semifinal: May 11th to May 12th. 🥇 Final: May 14th to May 15th.
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