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Bowling Term Glossary

  • DOUBLE: Two consecutive strikes within a single game.
  • FRAME: One of three scoring units constituting a game, each including one or two bowls (two or three in 3rd frame) depending on the number of pins knocked down. (Each game in Bowling Crew consists of 3 frames).
  • GUTTER: One of two trough-shaped structures surrounding a lane to catch errant bowls.
  • HAMBONE: Four consecutive strikes within a single game.
  • LANE: The game's playing surface.
  • OIL: The lubricating conditioner applied to some parts of the lane. The oil zones are marked with blue.
  • OIL PATTERN: The quantitative pattern of distribution of oil on the lane, having a major effect on ball motion. The oil zones are marked with blue.
  • OPEN (FRAME): A frame in which neither a strike nor spare is achieved.
  • PERFECT GAME: FIVE consecutive strikes with a resulting score of 90.
  • POCKET: The area on the pins a bowler aims at to get the best chance of a strike: between pins 1 and 3, or 1 and 2.
  • SPARE: The scoring result for a frame in which the last of the ten pins is/are knocked down on the second bowl of the frame.
  • SPLIT: When two or more pins remain standing with a gap between them, making it very difficult to complete a SPARE.
  • STRIKE: The scoring result for a frame in which all ten pins are knocked down on the first bowl.
  • TURKEY: Three consecutive strikes within a single game.

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#Guides How to restore progress

How to restore progress

If you have linked your game to a Facebook, Apple, or Google account there will be no problem in restoring your progress at any time.   Please ensure that your Facebook/Apple/Google account is linked to your Bowling Crew profile and that you have access to it or have already logged in. Launch the Bowling Crew app. Hit the Sign In button. Choose the option you want to proceed with.   If you have accidentally chosen the Play button, don’t worry! You still can restore your progress.   Complete the tutorial. Tap on your Avatar in Lobby and connect your Facebook/Apple/Google account again. You will see the in-game profile that was connected to your Facebook/Apple/Google account. If you see the wrong one, please contact our support. We’ll be happy to help!  
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#Guides How to Bowl a Strike / How to Hit a Split

How to Bowl a Strike / How to Hit a Split

Although, many of our players are bowling professionals in real life and can actually teach anyone a lesson on the topic, the Bowling Crew prepared a quick guide on how to bowl a strike. Advice #1. Improve your balls. You can improve your balls in your Arsenal. It requires chips and ball cards, both obtainable from Cases received for your victories. Advice #2. Use the right ball. There are three types of balls: Power balls are used to shoot as many pins as possible. Bounce balls are the best option for splits. Precise balls are best to hit a small group of pins. You can bowl a strike with both Power and Bounce balls. In the beginning of every game balls are placed in the same order as in your Arsenal. The first three balls are available for the throw, the rest are in the line. Thrown ball is placed in the end of the line. You need to work out a strategy to succeed depending on how many balls you have. Advice #3. The key is in the pocket. The key to consistent strikes is to angle the ball into the “pocket”. For a right-handed bowler, the pocket is between the one-pin and three-pin. For a lefty, it’s between the one-pin and two-pin. Rolling a ball directly to the first pin will lead to a split in most cases. Sad but true. It could actually happen 😞 So how to hit a split? First of all, you need a bounce ball. Any one will do. Upgrade your balls, it will make you game more comfortable. There are so many variations of split in the game. To take down the 7-10 split, which is considered to be the hardest one, roll the ball directly at a tangent to the first pin so the pin would bounce and hit the other pin.  
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#Guides How to unlock new Alleys

How to unlock new Alleys

To unlock new Alleys, you need to increase your total number of trophies. To check how many trophies you need for the next unlock, tap Play and choose the next Alley by swiping right or by tapping the arrow to the right of your current Alley - you’ll see how many more trophies you need to unlock it. If winning gives you no trophies, but losing makes your trophies go down, then you've reached the trophy limit for your current Alley. You need to go back to previous Alleys and check which of them can bring you more trophies.  You can switch between Alleys by swiping left or right on the Alley Select screen or tapping the arrows to the left and right of your Alley.  To sum up, increasing your total number of trophies unlocks new Alleys, and you can add to this total by winning on any Alley that hasn't reached its trophy limit yet.
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